1. Flamingo 2. Great Blue Heron
1. a) Flamingos are peculiar birds that live in tropical climates. They prefer to live in wetlands because they eat fish. They typically do not migrate but due to environmental changes, some migration is becoming apparent.

2. a) The analogous trait in these two birds to me is their necks and legs. Both have odd backward knees, which are actually their ankles. Both have long necks to be able to reach the water without interference of their long legs. Both of these birds live in marsh areas and eat primarily fish. This is why I believe their legs are an analog trait. They must both wade in the water for their food.
3. I do not believe that the ancestor of these odd birds had the trait. When you look at most birds, may it be water, game, finch or predator, all have an array of feet, but their legs are short.
1. Elk 2. Horse
1. a) An Elk is a large deer that lives in mountainous regions. They are vegetarians and herd animals. They have antlers and they shed them at the beginning of each spring.

Here is a picture of what scientists perceive the equine ancestor looks like. Oddly like a deer-ish horse?...